Online Slots Losing Streak

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A losing streak can be disheartening to say the least, especially if you’re new to slots.Not only can it make you question the entire industry of mobile slots, but it can also badly damage your bank account, make you want to destroy your mobile phone and/or computer or even make you lose all hope in human kind. Casino Online » Casino For Real Money » Is there life after a losing streak at real money casino? Is there life after a losing streak at real money casino? Payout percentage is the theoretical amount an online casino game pays back to the player. If an online casino game is set to pay back 98%, it returns 98 dollars for every 100 dollars played. You shouldn’t let this put you off slot gambling though, here are a few reasons to prefer slots even when you are on a losing streak. Fantastic themes Even if you are on a losing streak, it is difficult not to appreciate the extent of all the different online slot themes on offer these days, as there literally are hundreds of different themes.

This is another really good way to keep that losing streak going; namely, keep believing that an event is likely to occur because it has not occurred in a while. Therefore, after losing several bets in a row, go ahead and increase your bets because, according to the Law of Averages, things have to even out and you are “due to win.”. A ton of players make the terrible mistake of attempting to play at higher limits while hey happen to be on a losing streak. The “logic” behind this is that they desperately believe that they can recoup all of their current losses by playing at least a few games at higher limits.

Nathan Williams

Most people who play poker at the lower stakes these days have at least a general idea of what they are doing. For the most part they know what hands to play, when to bet, when to fold and so on.

But something that very few people are prepared for is how to deal with lengthy winning and losing streaks. From my experience playing online poker and coaching at the micro stakes for over 10 years now I know that both of these are major problem areas for many newer players.

Online Slots Losing Streak Bonus

In this article I am going to discuss several ways you can control your emotions and play your best whether you are winning or losing big at the poker tables.

How to Deal With Heaters in Poker

Let's talk first about how to deal with winning big — after all, this is what we all play for. This is the goal. Hopefully this is a 'problem' for you (and not just occasionally).

A lengthy period of winning in poker is often referred to as a 'heater.' If you have played poker for any decent amount of time, then you have probably hit one at some point.

All the cards just keep falling your way no matter what you do. It's almost like you entered some cheat codes and you are playing the game in 'God-mode.' If you need the flush, it comes in. If you have , they have . If you have a set, they have a lower set and so on.

Sometimes these heaters can last for weeks or even months on end. This is when you hear about people doing crazy stuff like winning several tournaments in a row.

However, it is very important not to get ahead of yourself during these good runs. For one thing, when you're on a winning streak, it becomes dangerously easy to overvalue how much of your own skill is involved.

Yes, it is likely that you are playing well. Everybody plays well when every card falls perfectly for them. There is no tilt. You almost expect to win. But this can become a big problem if you start inflating your skill level and thinking you have solved the game. Because believe me, what goes up, must come down.

Online Slots Losing Streak Slot Machine

Online slots losing streak poker

The best thing that you can do during a sustained heater is to play as much as possible. But you also need to stay humble. Don't jump up in stakes unless you are properly bankrolled to do so. And don't quit doing your homework away from the tables because you think you have it all figured out.

Enjoy the success, but also stay grounded.

How to Deal With Downswings in Poker

All right, let's talk about the most depressing part of poker — the downswings. I'll bet you have encountered a few of these along the way as well.

Downswings tend to remain in our memories and stick out much more than heaters. They are painful. They cause tilt. They are frustrating. You can't seem to win a hand to save your life. All your draws miss, you are getting coolered nonstop and when you finally do make a hand, they don't have anything.

Sound familiar?

This is the crash that inevitably comes after every big heater. A losing streak can be the most difficult thing to deal with for any poker player, because it can shake your confidence to its core.

A losing streak can make you question if all of your previous success was just luck. It makes you wonder if you will ever win again.

But once again, it is important not to blow these situations out of proportion by blaming yourself. The fact is, sometimes it doesn't matter how well you play, you just won't be able to win with the cards that you are being dealt currently.

This is a big reason why it is extremely important that you are doing regular session reviews during these downswings in order to make sure that it is in fact bad luck that is bringing you down.

If that is indeed the case, then it is important to avoid getting too down on yourself. Remember, everybody is going to go through one of these downswings at some point. The only question is who is going to handle it better. As long as I know that I am playing decently well, then I have learned look at these periods as opportunities to get ahead instead.

I see downswings as my chance to separate myself from everybody else by handling the adversity better than they will.

Neither of Them Are Real

The mark of a true professional, though, is coming to an understanding that neither the big heaters nor the terrible downswings are actually 'real' — or at least really indicative of how things normally are.

Both are aberrations. Both are outliers. Most of the time when we play poker we are actually running somewhere within what some might call a 'normal' range of luck. That is, sometimes we are on the right end of the cards and sometimes we are on the wrong end, and usually we don't remain that long on one end or the other.

Both heaters and downswings represent extreme cases during which we remain well outside of the regular boundaries of variance for longer-than-usual periods. That means the key to surviving lengthy winning and losing streaks at the lower limits is to understand that neither are 'real' or representative.

Online Slots Losing Streak Game

In other words — you are't that good and you aren't that bad.

If you can learn to keep an even temperament throughout the endless ups and downs, then you will go a long way towards figuring out the true key to success — namely, playing for the long run and not being a slave to the never-ending short-term rollercoaster like so many others.

Online Slots Losing Streak Poker

When you truly realize that neither the big ups nor the big downs are even real, then you can just calmly make good decisions no matter the circumstances and find true long-term success.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with the large swings that occur in poker is one of the hardest things that you will have to deal with in this game. This is especially the case at the lower limits because you expect to beat these games soundly. But sometimes you simply have to accept the variance that exists in poker and just ride it out.

When you learn to prevent yourself from getting too high during your big wins and too low during your big losses, then you will start seeing the true nature of this game.

Each time you sit down to play poker, the thing that you really control is how well you play each hand in the present moment. This is all you should be focused on.

Don't be controlled by short-term results — whether good or bad — and you will be miles ahead of your competition.

Nathan 'BlackRain79' Williams is the author of the popular micro stakes strategy books Crushing the Microstakes and Modern Small Stakes. He also blogs regularly about all things related to the micros over at

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1442 Reads

There are no guarantees in gambling, except for the one that guarantees you’ll lose a lot more than you’ll win. That is the only certainty, and everything else is up to chance; that’s the point of playing slots like Eye of Horus pay by phone game in the first place. It’s part of the appeal and it’s why so many people keep playing even if they’ve never won in the past – there is hope that they can win this time.

Are Losing Streaks Real?

Technically, losing streaks are real. Or at least, many people are going to lose a lot of times in a row – perhaps every time – and so it can feel like a ‘streak’. The thing is, though, it might seem like a losing streak, but it’s actually all down to luck. Each slot game works on a random number generator (RNG) system, which means it is impossible to predict where the symbols are going to land when the reels stop spinning. The RNG is actively designed to make people lose, simply because there are many times more losing symbol combinations than there are winning ones. The odds are, then, than you will lose, although winning is still a possibility (it has to be otherwise no one would ever play).

So losing ‘streaks’ are programmed in, at least to a point. Yet they aren’t specifically there on purpose. A designer can’t create a game that has a certain number of losses in place before a win. It’s for this reason that chasing losses is a bad idea; that win will come eventually because of the law of probabilities, but it might not come for dozens or even hundreds of spins, and even then the prize might not make up for the money you’ve spent.

Be Cautious

Unless you have a limitless amount of cash and you’re a high roller in terms of your casino gambling, you do need to be cautious when playing slots. As mentioned above, it can become all too tempting – and easy – to keep on chasing after that win, especially if you’ve been losing for a while. The idea that you might be ‘due a win’ could be firmly implanted in your mind, so you just keep going.

You’re not due a win, though. The slot doesn’t owe you anything, and it doesn’t care if you’ve been winning or losing. It’s random, and that’s what will keep happening; the reels will turn and stop at a random point, and you might win. You might lose. You’ll probably lose. And that’s it. You can’t trick the machine into giving you money because you’ve been playing for a while, and you can’t assume you’ll win everything back if you just keep going. You’re more likely to run out of money than to win big.

Useful Tips

So the losing streak is a thing, even if it’s not technically a ‘streak’ in real terms. The fact is, you will often lose many times in a row, so for the sake of argument, we can call that a losing streak. What can be done about it?

To begin with, if you play games that have a high RTP, you’ll lose less money because you’re more likely to win back at least what you put into the game. You’ll still lose, don’t get us wrong, but you won’t lose as much. Having a budget and a time limit is going to help immensely too, and so will the attitude of understanding you are probably going to lose and just enjoying the game.