Poker Planetwin365 Mobile
A sportsbook that also offers a huge selection of casino games and an immersive poker room, any and all betting can be done at Planetwin365. However, the sports betting is what really shines through, with thousand of bet lines and additional resources that can enhance your betting prowess. Best of all, you’ll find some of the most exciting bonuses in the industry, whether you’re brand new or already a longtime Planetwin365 fanatic. This is online bookmaking done right.
Planetwin365 Review
Planetwin365’s active community of bettors is over 1.5 million strong, and they place 370,000 bets per day. Is there a better indication of quality than massive membership and long-term loyalty? We don’t think so. In fact, Planetwin365 received a top ranking from Federbet, an independent non-profit that ensures no game fixing is going on in a bookmaker. And while Planetwin365 was established in 2009, their consistent improvements, long list of betting options, and impressive resources have them quickly becoming the most-watched sportsbook in the European market. Read on to discover everything you need to know about this popular place to bet on sports, and why it’s worthy of your serious consideration.
Security & Regulation
Registered, licensed, and regulated in Malta, Italy, Austria, Spain, Serbia, Montenegro, and Belgium, the oversight Planetwin365 undergoes delivers an excellent level of player confidence. In the sections of the site detailing what sets them apart, they note their commitment to using state-of-the-art encryption to protect all transactions and personal information on the site, and employ hundreds of employees to keep an eye on all the internal and external workings. And don’t forget that a regulatory body is one thing, but player reviews and testimonials can be the real defining factor. With 1.5 million players and glowing reviews across the web, the reputation for quality that Planetwin365 possesses is beyond question.
Put simply, Planetwin365 is mobile friendly, but the app is probably best to avoid. You come to Planetwin365 for the sports betting. You’ll find a wide selection of casino games, Live Casino rooms, and multiplayer Poker rooms to play in, but this is mainly for the punters. Accesso a planetwin365 negato Se pensi che abbia ricevuto il presente avvertimento per sbaglio, contatta il nostro Servizio Clienti all’indirizzo email: Login Register Register.
Mobile App
Planetwin365 has a mobile app for Android devices that isn’t terrible, but we think it’s a better idea to simply go to their web page from your mobile device browser. You get more features, the design and flow is better, and it’s compatible with all devices if they’re connected to the internet, not just Androids. The app also hasn’t been updated in a while and probably won’t be any time soon. In fact, there’s a better chance of them releasing a brand-new app rather than improving the one they already have.
Put simply, Planetwin365 is mobile friendly, but the app is probably best to avoid.
Sports Betting
You come to Planetwin365 for the sports betting. You’ll find a wide selection of casino games, Live Casino rooms, and multiplayer Poker rooms to play in, but this is mainly for the punters. The selection of bet options is distinctly abundant, and the website is rich with features specifically designed for those who bet on sporting events. Whether you like the special O/U bets, the Futures, the simple money lines, or spread bets, they have you covered with both team and individual sports. You can also bet on racing events that are happening around the world every day.
Planetwin365 also offers multiple tools that you can use to improve your betting experience. The Market Mover function allows you to take a firsthand look at the reasons behind why the odds are changing. The MyScore365 feature presents you with detailed statistics and analyses to improve your bet decision-making. And the Betting Widget is a convenient way to have your betslip easily located and adjusted. It also has a feature that lets you type in how much you want to bet and how much you want to win, and they’ll generate a bet line that fits those specifications. It’s a truly well-rounded sportsbook, with features worth seeking out all in one place.
Casino Games & Features
With ten different software providers and a wide variety of games in every category, the casino section of Planetwin365 should be browsed even if you’re strictly a sports bettor. Endless hours of entertainment can be found within the selection, and it all has the same level of fairness regulation and oversight as the sports book. A convenient feature is being able to organize the games by how many player favorites it has, cutting through the long list and getting right to the ones that others have had the most luck on. Planetwin365 also has a good number of Live Casino rooms that range from Blackjack and Roulette to Dragon Tiger and Sic Bo. If you have a casino game you enjoy playing, it’s almost a certainty that you’ll find it at Planetwin365.
Planetwin365 offers four different types of multiplayer online Poker: Texas Hold’em, 34 Card Poker, Telesina, and Omaha. And for each one, they detail exactly how to play for those who are unfamiliar. To play on your computer, you need to download their POKER PRO platform. If you have a Mac and the download is blocked, Planetwin365 walks you through how to circumvent the blockers and get to the tables. You can also play from your mobile device with no download required, and if you are ever confused about where to go, you can easily reach out to their customer support team for some direction. This isn’t the best online Poker room you’ll ever enter, but it’s high-quality and very much rounds out this robust gambling outlet.
Opening an Account
To open an account at Planetwin365, you just need to click the SIGN UP button in the top right of the screen. You’ll be taken to a single page that prompts you to fill out all the relevant information, like banking info and proof of identity. You’ll be able to click and read the terms and conditions and other stipulations throughout the process, which is good for those players curious about why providing certain things is necessary. Again, any specific questions in this regard should be directed to the online chat support that’s always a click away on the left side of the webpage.
Deposits and Withdrawals
The withdrawal and deposit methods offered by Planetwin365 are conveniently the same. That means you don’t need to deposit with one banking method and withdraw with a different one. The minimum deposit is €10 and the maximum is €20,000. The minimum to withdraw is €30 and the maximum is also €20,000. There are no fees associated with either end of the banking process, though you may need to provide them with documentation before receiving your winnings in 1 to 2 days. However, deposits are instantaneous. The banking methods on offer are Paysafecard, Skrill, Neteller, and EcoPayz. If you don’t have those accounts, Skrill and Neteller are highly recommended for all your gaming finances.
Customer Support
The customer support offered by Planetwin365 comes in two forms. The most obvious is being able to contact them directly via their online chat, although it is not 24 hours a day. That’s not great, as we always look for the brands that offer support every minute of the day. You can reach out to them via email and expect a response within 24 hours. They do not have a phone number to call.
The other side of their customer support is rooted in their tutorials and overviews, which allow you to learn the ins and outs at your own pace and have the best possible chances of winning whatever bet you’re looking to place.
But for all the praise we give Planetwin365, they lose a few points in the customer service department simply for the lack of constant availability. As a global brand, we hope they change this up in the near future.
Promotions & Bonuses
The promos and bonuses at Planetwin365 are always changing and reshaping as the months go by. To find out what they’re offering when you join, simply visit the “promotions” tab at the top of the page. Every offer is separated into three different categories: sports, casino, and poker. For the sports, you’ll find a deposit matching bonus that can double your first deposit. The casino boasts daily and weekly promotions that give you free money to bet with, as well as big free spin tournaments. And Poker players new and established can get more chips on the table with the bonuses offered in that section.
As a sportsbook, Planetwin365 is close to perfect, with all the options, features, and bonuses you could want and more. They even offer a selection of tools you can use to take advantage of how the odds are adjusting. Their Casino and Poker options are objectively impressive as well. However, their lack of a solid VIP program and an inconsistent customer service availability shaves a few points off of true perfection. Even still, you can withdraw thousands of dollars from the bets placed at Planetwin365, especially with the extra tools that help you do just that. Put simply, give Planetwin365 a try – you won’t be disappointed.
Holdem Manager 2/3
PokerTracker 4
Please set English language in poker client!
Converter Settings
Folder for converted hands is the most important parameter for correct work of HUDs. This folder must be added to tracker's list of auto import. All converted hands will be saved here, and tracker will import them automatically.

Poker Planetwin365 Mobile En
Format of the converted hands. PokerStars format is chosen by default, but you can also choose any other format, which is supported by tracker, and, possibly, it will allow to use additional functions, like NoteCaddy etc. For example, WPN (Winning Poker Network) format does not have any restrictions on NoteCaddy stats.
It is parameter, which allows you to avoid the intersection of nicknames in the tracker database. If OUTPUT FORMAT is set to PokerStars, tracker reasonably believes that files in OUTPUT DIRECTORY are hands from PokerStars and it mixes statistics with real PokerStars players if their nicknames are the same. Please add the nicknames suffix to avoid intersection.
Planetwin Poker Mobile
Stacks and bets will be multiplied on this coefficient during the conversion. Poker sites can use currency which will be different than currency which is supported by OUTPUT FORMAT (for example Chinese Yuan, Russian Rubles, Swedish Crowns etc). For adducting poker site’s native currency to USD, please use currency coefficient.
Some rounding errors are possible when coefficient <1, but Free PlanetWin365 Converter will ensure that poker hand remains correct from poker rules point of view.
Displacement of the session time relative to the local time. If session time is displayed in the tracker wrong, please tune this parameter.
HUDs Emulator
Adds HUDs support to poker tables. If this parameter is switched off, converter works as data miner, just saving converted hands to OUTPUT DIRECTORY.
Trackers Settings

- In the main window of HM2 please choose 'Site Setup'
- In the next window 'Site Settings' please choose poker site which matches OUTPUT FORMAT from the list of poker sites (by default it is PokerStars).
- Please press + under 'Auto Import Folders' list.
- In the next window please press ... and choose the folder which matches OUTPUT DIRECTORY.
PokerTracker 4
- In the main window, under the list 'Poker Sites & Networks' please press 'Configue'. You can skip any pop-up dialogs.
- In the window 'Import Configuration', in the list of poker sites, please choose poker site which matches OUTPUT FORMAT from poker sites list (by default it is PokerStars).
- Press Add under 'Directories Configuration'.
- Please choose folder which matches OUTPUT DIRECTORY, be sure that it shows up in the list then press 'OK' in 'Import Configuration' window.
- In the left-up corner of Hand2Note window please press menu and choose 'Configuration' F12.
- In the left list please choose 'Autoimport'.
- Press + ADD FOLDER.
- Choose folder which matches OUTPUT DIRECTORY, be sure that it shows up in the list.
Session Monitor
Automatic poker table search
Free PlanetWin365 Converter finds poker tables automatically and adds HUDs support. For switching HUDs off, please remove checkbox from the corresponding poker table. If HUDs EMULATOR is switched off, then table list will not be displayed, converter works as dataminer.
Hands Log
All hands which were catched by Free PlanetWin365 Converter, will be kept in HANDS LOG. If during the conversion any error occurs, poker hand will be kept to the error database, which can be sent to the support team : menuBug Report.
Free PlanetWin365 Converter allows you to control total size and status of OUTPUT DIRECTORY. Any file system change, saved hands number and the total amount of data can be found in OUTPUT tab of Session Monitor.
Local Database
All hands which were catched by Free PlanetWin365 Converter, will be kept in local database and can be exported anytime in accordance with actual converter settings. If you want to change parameters of the conversion (OUTPUT FORMAT, PLAYER NAME SUFFIX, STACK/STAKES COEFF), please proceed to Menu:Database, choose your converter settings and press Export. The obtained result can be imported to tracker, continuing to use Free PlanetWin365 Converter with new settings.
Bug Report
If you face conversion errors or program critical failure, please immediately contact our Support Team. Operator will ask you to provide bug report. Please open Menu: Bug Report and press Create. The software will collect information about errors, program logs, crash dumps and create bug report zip archive, please send it to support team.
Bug reports doesn’t contain any private information, you can always investigate the archive before sending.