Warframe Duplicate Slots
R/Warframe Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Warframe: How to get the Rhino - Duration: 10:17. Lingering Fungus 169,304 views. Ultimate Free Cosmetics Guide! How to Customize Your Warframe for Free! 1080HD - Duration: 7:11. Players begin the game with two Warframe storage slots and can acquire additional slots from the Market for a nominal fee of 20 Platinum each (Players also gain a complimentary slot for any Warframe purchased directly from the Market). Warframe slots can also be acquired through Nightwave. Warframe Revised: Update 27.2.0. Warframe may feel a little different this Update. Depending on where you are in your Warframe journey, you may notice big or small changes. Catabolyst is an Infested sidearm that fires short-ranged Corrosive beam. When reloading the Catabolyst's clip is thrown like a grenade, with greatly increased potency if reloading from an empty clip. This weapon primarily deals Corrosive damage. Advantages: Innate Corrosive damage effective against Ferrite Armor and Fossilized. Very high critical multiplier. Extremely high status chance.
Hopefully afterfinishing the first two missions your warframe and weapons will haveleveled up and you would have found a few mods. Back at the mapscreen choose Arsenal and lets equip some mods.Gear lets you use codex scanners, hp restores and ammo boxes. You can get these from the market and then equip them here by clicking on an empty panel and choosing your item. You must EQUIP gear before you can use them. This is where binding a key to gear slots helps or you will have to keep choosing which gear to use during the level.
For now go to your warframe and select upgrade, whichbrings us to:
Upgrade screen for Warframes. Note the extra aura slot on the left does not appear for weapons |
As your warframe is where you equip your skills (their mods are given automatically when you build your frame) and skills take up mod capacity, try and get any aura card in the beginning so that you will not run out of space just equipping skills.

Enhancing mods:
The best way to upgrade is to combine mods withduplicates and fusion cores (not used for anything else). Using different mods with different polarities to the one you want to upgrade will require four times more mods! However if you do not have any need for those mods then by all means go ahead.
Warframe Duplicate Slots
If you can no longer see the fusion button that means the modis maxed.
Warframe Duplicate Slots Game
Warframe Duplicate Slots Cheat
<< HUD, Drops and obstacles